Project #8 Consentful Interface


I think this is actually the Anti-Surveillance Tool 2.0, a pro version of the filter camera, but more human-centered with extra consentful interface.
I added some buttoms to offer my users the choice of open or shutdown their camera.

Design Process:

The process of this assignment is simple, I just used the switch() function to create several levels and wrote some if else statement to control what to happen in which level, in this way I can shift the pages.


I encounter a problem on opening my video, luckily I solve the problem by the help of dtstudy group.
I can't get it open because my draw() create a new capture video every frame, which is very heavy on performance, that's also why I saw the video light on my macbook sparking but nothing happened. The trick is never put createCapture inside of an if-statement inside of draw() , write it inside a new functionan, and trigger this function by mousePressed, so it will only run one time whenever you press your mouse.