Project #7 Bitmap Game
Game Proposal & Description
The purpose of this game is to describe one of my dream, a journey in another spacetime. (I think it's more like a depiction than a game.)
I have a habbit of writing dream recall, according to my records, most dreams of mine are quite blurry, combined by several scenes and there are basiclly no narritive, like those experimental cult films with numerous montage lens.
I picked one of my dream and made it into a three-level game. In that dream I was in the vision of a bird, so I made the main character a white pigeon, player can control that pigeon to fly through grotesques.
scene1: Starting page
Click the pigeon to start.
scene2: Escape
This scene is about chasing and escaping. All the elements are the abstract version of the objects in my dream, these things either blocked my way or chased me around in my dream.
scene3: Montage
In dreamland the scenes are interweaved.
Game Design
I painted all the elements of this game in photoshop, there are some description of each of them.Gray-boxing
Main character : The white pigeon
Frame by Frame animation using the animation() funcion.
Elements of scene2 : The grotesques
Ghost, Stranger, Coral, Wild Fire, Gemstone, Folded Paper
Elements of scene3 : Mirage
A hill full of blue flowers, Been stared, A whale showed its tail, A desert with people coming and going
This assignment is a huge challenge to my p5.js technology. I have used UE4 to make games before, but using p5.js to make games is completely different from my previous experience. I was impressed by my classmates, they made such complete and interesting games in limited time. There is no doubt that my game still has a lot to improve, I enjoyed the process of making it though LoL